Using RBAC Authorization

2 min readJun 1, 2022

Role-based access control(RBAC) is a way of regulating access to computer/network resources.

RBAC authorization uses the API group to drive authorization decisions.

To enable RBAC, start the api-server with the --authorization-mode flag set to comma separated list that includes RBAC as below,

  • kube-apiserver --authorization-mode=Example,RBAC--other-options --more-options

RBAC Resources:

  1. Role
  2. ClusterRole
  3. RoleBinding
  4. ClusterRoleBinding


  • A ClusterRole/Role defines a set of permissions and where is available, in the whole cluster or just in the namespace.
  • Role always sets permissions within a specific namespace.
  • When we create a Role we have to mention the namespace where it belongs.
  • ClusterRole is a non-namespaced resource.
  • To define a role with in namespace, use Role; To define role cluster-wide, use ClusterRole

Role Example:


ClusterRole Example:

Cluster Role


  • A ClusterRoleBinding/RoleBinding connects a set of permissions with an account and defines where it applied, in the whole cluster or just a single namespace.
  • Role binding holds a list of subjects (users, groups, and service accounts) and a reference to the role being granted
  • RoleBinding grants permissions within the namespace whereas ClusterRoleBinding grants access cluster-wide.
  • A RoleBinding may reference any role in the same namespace. Alternatively, a RoleBinding can reference ClusterRole and bind that ClusterRole to the namespace of the RoleBinding.

RoleBinding Example:


ClusterRoleBinding Example:


4 different RBAC combinations and 3 valid ones:

  • Role + RoleBinding (available in single Namespace, applied in single Namespace)
  • ClusterRole + ClusterRoleBinding (available cluster-wide, applied cluster-wide)
  • ClusterRole + RoleBinding (available cluster-wide, applied in single Namespace)
  • Role + ClusterRoleBinding (NOT POSSIBLE: available in single Namespace, applied cluster-wide)

