Front-end Interview Coding Challenge asked in Amazon & Google

1 min read1 day ago

In this video, I’ll show you how to design a solution for a common front-end interview question asked at companies like Google and Amazon. We’ll create a dynamic folder structure UI, similar to what you see in VS Code, based on a data.js file that mimics a real-world folder structure.

📁 Key Features:

📂 Expanding Folders: Click on folders to reveal nested files and subfolders.

🗂️ Real Data Mimicry: Using the data.js object to simulate real-world folder structures.

📄 Dynamic Icons: Display file-specific icons, like a JavaScript icon for .js files.

📏 Proper Spacing: Ensure neat and readable file and folder indentation.

💻 Interactive UI: Smooth, user-friendly design with intuitive folder interactions.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll understand how to build an interactive folder UI and the considerations you should keep in mind when tackling similar front-end interview questions.

